Sea Cliff Bridge with Bald Hill Riders

Angela with Graeme and Chris – Bald Hill Riders

I’ve always wanted to ride a Harley Davidson. I never thought it would be while trying to hold a mic with one hand and gripping hard the seat in front of me while riding pillion on a Harley Davidson. My abs clenched hard as we hugged the curves of The Sea Cliff Bridge.

I had met Graeme, founder of the Bald Hill Riders, when grabbing a coffee at Flying High Cafe.

Graeme – Founder of Bald Hill Riders

He was conveniently standing next to his gleaming shiny Harley and I found myself asking for a ride on the back of his bike across the famous Sea Cliff Bridge. Brazen of me really. But Graeme took it in his stride and Chris, also a member of Bald Hill Riders, kindly leant me his helmet so I could finally tick this item off my bucket list.

Angela Tjeuw on back of Graeme’s Harley Davidson

Found out how it all turned out:

Part 1 – Graeme – Bald Hill Riders Founder

Part 2 – What was the ride like along The Sea Cliff Bridge?